Alameda County
Bar Association

ACBA Members in the News 3.7.22 
members in the news - Adrieannette Ciccone

ACBA Member Spotlights

ACBA members in the news: Members featured in the ACBA e-Newsletter featuring Judge Peter Borkon, Robin Thorton, Judge Delbert Gee, and Givelle Llamano.

Judge Peter E. BorkonACBA member Judge Peter E. Borkon was sworn in last month on February 24th. Judge Borkon brings the number of out judges on the Alameda bench to 10, the most of any county in Northern California. He will be assigned to the Hayward Hall of Justice. Read more

Robin ThorntonRobin Thornton, an attorney and partner with ACBA Leadership Firm Wendel Rosen was quoted in an article about condemnation: What Is Condemnation in Real Estate?

Delbert GeeACBA member Judge Delbert Gee was featured in Louis Goodman’s latest issue of Love Thy Lawyer Podcast. Listen to it here

Givelle LlamanoACBA member Givelle Llamano, Lamano Law Office, was recently quoted in several articles giving tips for creating a successful practice that works for you. Read more

Do you have a hot case? Named a Super Lawyer? Big settlement, award, new attorney, or new job? Email to be included in an upcoming edition of the Bi-Weekly e-Newsletter, Members in the News.