Employment Opportunities

About The ACBA

The Alameda County Bar Association (ACBA), an Equal Opportunity Employer, is a nonprofit, voluntary bar association and has a membership of approximately 1,500 attorneys, judges, law students and other professionals working within the legal profession in the greater Bay Area. The ACBA administers numerous programs and activities to benefit attorneys and the community.

If you are interested in learning more about working at the ACBA, or open ACBA jobs, please contact ACBA CEO Hadassah Hayashi at

Please note: This page is dedicated to employment opportunities at the Alameda County Bar Association and Legal Access Alameda. You may find our curated job board on our blog here.

Shriver Low-Income Landlord Attorney – Legal Access Alameda

May 2024

General Description

Legal Access Alameda is the pro bono organization associated with the Alameda County Bar Association. Legal Access’ mission is to mobilize volunteers to provide pro bono services to low-income self-represented litigants in Alameda County. The Shriver Low-Income Landlord Attorney position is responsible for coordinating assistance to low-income landlords through the Shriver funded project in partnership with Centro Legal De La Raza and the Eviction Defense Center. This program involves recruiting, training, and supporting volunteer attorneys as they represent low-income landlords at Unlawful Detainer Settlement Conference negotiations in Alameda County. The program also includes hosting advice and counsel and document preparation clinics for low-income landlords in Alameda County.

This position is hybrid and requires in-person and remote work. The Court has reopened for in-person appearances, the Shriver Low-Income Landlord Attorney will be located at the Hayward Courthouse at least one day each week, much of the out-of-court work may be done remotely.


Key Duties


Pro Bono Coordination

  1. Recruit, train, support, and encourage pro bono attorneys, interpreters, and other volunteers for the project.
  2. Develop written and recorded recruitment materials for volunteers.
  3. Solicit and appear at speaking opportunities at law firms and bar associations’ events across the Bay Area.
  4. Attend regular meetings with the court and grant partner organizations.
  5. Organize and coordinate training for volunteers, including recorded materials for volunteers joining as the program progresses.
  6. Create an ongoing schedule of volunteers for each Shriver Unlawful Detainer Settlement Conference calendar.
  7. Create an ongoing schedule of volunteers for advice clinics.
  8. Schedule and host informational sessions for low-income landlords on current topics.


Provision of Legal Services

  1. Each week, coordinate the Shriver Unlawful Detainer Settlement Conference calendar, and doing the following:
    1. Announcing that offer pro bono representation in settlement conference negotiations is available and screening interested self-represented landlords for program eligibility.
    2. Match eligible clients with a pro bono attorney for representation during the settlement negotiations. Copy the relevant material from the court file and assemble it for transmission to the pro bono attorney.
    3. Assist clients with negotiations where no pro bono attorney is available, including assisting with finalizing settlement agreement if settlement is reached.
  2. Host advice clinics for low-income landlords, remotely via phone, zoom or in person. Advice clinics are staffed by the Shriver attorney and pro bono attorneys.



  1. Build strong and collaborative relationships with partner organizations, court staff, and judicial officers.
  2. Work with other Shriver projects across the state in coordinating services and sharing best practices.
  3. Keep open and regular lines of communication with partner tenant agencies, in order to ensure consistent and equal services are provided to both parties.
  4. Participate in Shriver Committee meetings with partner agencies and the Alameda County Superior Court.
  5. Attend ADR Committee meetings with the Alameda County Superior Court.


Data Collection and Grant Reporting

  1. Track data as required by Legal Access and by the Shriver funding.
  2. Work collaboratively with NPC, the data collection and analysis firm for the Shriver projects, to ensure that data is efficiently, effectively, and meaningfully tracked.
  3. Work with NPC staff on building a comparative study of outcomes in those cases where clients receive self-help assistance, compared to representation in the hearing.
  4. Work with the Director and Grants Manger of Legal Access to complete all required reports to the funder in a timely and effective manner.


Staff Meetings

  1. Attend regular staff meetings and team events for Legal Access Alameda and the Alameda County Bar Association.


Other duties as assigned.


Minimum Qualifications

  • Bar Admission in California (must be current and in good standing)
  • Commitment to social justice and access to justice for low-income and disadvantaged communities.
  • Ability to work with volunteers, exercise sound judgment, take initiative on projects, and juggle multiple activities.
  • Sense of humor.


Ability to converse in Spanish or Chinese a plus.



$68,000 – $72,000 depending on experience.


To Apply: Please send a resume and cover letter to Christina Wiellette at