Public Entity Law
Upcoming Events
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Join the Public Entity Law Section
The ACBA Public Entity Law Section brings together a diverse array of attorneys who have a civil practice in federal or state court and who represent cities, counties, the state, special agencies/districts and educational systems.
In a time when the public is turning to public attorneys for protection and enforcement, this Section examines the role of local public attorneys who litigate in the public interest to vindicate broader public interests in economic, environmental, public health and civil rights.
The goal of the Section is to provide: 1) a forum to network and share best practices and 2) MCLE programs tailored to the specialized needs of public entity attorneys. The Section will identify and analyze issues affecting public attorneys and provide MCLE programs taught by knowledgeable and experienced practitioners that cover a range of issues.
Section Listserv
Did you know you can create and send posts to your section community directly from your email inbox? With our Groupvine platform, you can communicate with your section about new updates in your practice area, questions about your practice, changes in laws, discussion about past MCLE programs, and more! Learn more