
Get Involved!

The Alameda County Bar Association has established several standing committees that give members an opportunity to contribute to the community, influence the way law is practiced in our community and advise the ACBA Board of Directors to help manage the Bar and establish policy. 

The ACBA is currently recruiting members for all of the Committees, except Community Projects Committee and the East Bay Diversity Bar Coalition. Participating in ACBA Committees is a great way to network with peers and enhance the practice of law and the administration of justice. If you are interested in serving on one of the Committees, please contact the Committee’s staff liaison (listed on the individual Committee page) by September 30. In December, the ACBA President-Elect will make appointments to each committees for following year.

Community Projects Committee
Acts as a forum for legal service providers in Alameda County

East Bay Diversity Bar Coalition
Acts as a forum for other local and minority bar associations and promotes a unified position on diversity and fair access on professional and public issues.

Criminal Court Appointed Attorneys Program-Criminal (CAAP) Governing Committee
Works with the ACBA Board and staff to provide oversight to the CAAP Program.

Judicial Appointments Evaluation Committee
Investigates and evaluates candidates and makes recommendations to governor’s judicial appointments secretary.

Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) Governing Committee
Works with the ACBA Board and staff to provide oversight to the  Lawyer Referral Service.

ACBA Delegation to the Conference of California Bar Associations
The Conference of California Bar Associations promotes legislative ideas on behalf of the legal community by and through individual delegates and bar associations across California.