Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
Upcoming Events
AI in Practice Development: Harnessing Technology for ADR Success, 12/3
Get to Know the Local Bar: Nolan Armstrong, 12/10
Self-Awareness and Resilience for High-Stakes Mediations, 1/7
New programs are added regularly. Visit the ACBA calendar for more upcoming ACBA events. To view past programming on demand, please visit
About the ADR Section
The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section promotes litigation alternatives by providing a forum for information-exchange and discussion, and serving as a liaison with the judiciary. The Section, led by the Executive Committee, also presents several MCLEs and networking opportunities throughout the year.
To join the section, please contact our Membership Department at (510) 302-2200 or
Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee is responsible for planning the section’s MCLEs and other networking events throughout the year. The Executive Committee meets the second Wednesday of every month, except for July, August and December. If you would like to receive minutes, agendas, or if you would like to attend an Executive Committee meeting, please contact Julia Hall at or (510) 302-2221.
Section Listserv
Did you know you can create and send posts to your section community directly from your email inbox? With our Groupvine platform, you can communicate with your section about new updates in your practice area, questions about your practice, changes in laws, discussion about past MCLE programs, and more! Learn more
Click here for ADR photo album