Alameda County
Bar Association

She Belongs: Crushing Imposter Syndrome in Female Attorneys 

As many know, imposter syndrome is a pervasive phenomenon affecting professionals across all fields; female attorneys are no exception. Despite their achievements and qualifications, many women in the legal profession battle with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. 

She Belongs: Crushing Imposter Syndrome in Female AttorneysUnderstanding Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as fraud despite external evidence of competence. It can manifest in feeling like you don’t deserve your achievements, attributing success to luck rather than skill, or constantly comparing yourself to others. 

The Impact on Female Attorneys

It is no surprise to female attorneys that imposter syndrome can be particularly challenging for women.

    1. Underrepresentation: The underrepresentation of women in critical legal roles, such as partners in law firms, judges, or senior positions in government legal departments, can create a sense of isolation and exclusion for female attorneys. The lack of female role models and mentors in the field can further exacerbate this sense of being an outsider.
    2. Stereotype Threat: Female attorneys often confront what psychologists call the “stereotype threat.” This phenomenon occurs when individuals from underrepresented groups worry about conforming to societal expectations and stereotypes associated with their identity. In the legal context, female attorneys may feel the burden of disproving gender-related stereotypes about women’s competence in the legal profession. These stereotypes suggest that women are less assertive, less rational, or less capable of handling high-pressure situations, and this can lead to heightened self-doubt and anxiety.
    3. Work-Life Balance: For many attorneys, achieving a work-life balance can be a complex and often elusive goal. The legal profession’s demands for long hours, extensive research, and frequent court appearances can clash with family and personal responsibilities. Balancing these competing demands can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Female attorneys may worry that they are not giving their best effort to their careers or personal lives, amplifying imposter syndrome. This sense of failing in both spheres can be emotionally draining and contribute to feelings of self-doubt.

Strategies to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

    1. Recognize It: Acknowledging imposter syndrome is the first step in overcoming it. Understand that imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon that affects people from all walks of life, including highly accomplished individuals. Knowing that you are not alone in experiencing these feelings can be comforting. Recognizing that imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern, not a reflection of your competence or worth is essential.
    2. Challenge Negative Thoughts: When self-doubt creeps in, actively challenge those negative thoughts. Create a list of your accomplishments, skills, and qualifications. Maintain a journal where you document your successes, both big and small. Whenever self-doubt arises, review this journal to remind yourself of your competence and the evidence of your achievements. This practice can help counteract the negative self-talk that accompanies imposter syndrome.
    3. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to contact a support network when imposter syndrome strikes. Talk to mentors, colleagues, or friends who can provide encouragement and perspective. Sharing your feelings with others who may have experienced similar doubts can be incredibly reassuring. Their insights and reassurance can help alleviate the burden of imposter syndrome and remind you that you are not alone in facing these challenges.
    4. Set Realistic Expectations: Perfection is an unrealistic and unattainable standard. Mistakes are an inevitable part of professional growth and development. Instead of viewing mistakes as failures, see them as opportunities for learning and improvement. Embrace these learning opportunities, and remember that even the most accomplished attorneys have made career errors.
    5. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care to maintain your mental and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, whether exercising, meditation, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies you enjoy. Taking care of your physical and emotional health can boost your resilience and help you better manage imposter syndrome when it arises.
    6. Professional Development: Continuously invest in your skills and knowledge. Attend workshops, seminars, and courses that align with your legal interests and career goals. Expanding your expertise enhances your abilities as an attorney and boosts your confidence. The more you learn and grow, the more self-assured you will become in your professional skills. Remember, MCLEs are free and easy to attend virtually for ACBA members!
    7. Challenge Stereotypes: As a female attorney, you can be a trailblazer for other women in the legal profession. Challenge stereotypes and biases through your achievements and actions. Show by example that women belong and excel in the legal field. Advocate for diversity and inclusion within your workplace and professional organizations, and mentor younger female attorneys to help them confidently navigate their careers.

BAWLR - alice cheng quote

Bay Area Women Lawyers’ Retreat 2024

Remember that overcoming imposter syndrome is an ongoing process, and seeking help and support as needed is okay. The Alameda County Bar Association is a proud co-host of the annual Bay Area Women Lawyers’ Retreat (March 1-3, 2024). Women lawyers from all practice areas, from both sides of the aisle, mediators, and judges will converge in Northern California for the weekend. This weekend retreat has many opportunities to develop relationships, learn from excellent speakers (including Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero), and enjoy leisure time. Take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to join a community that champions and empowers women lawyers. Tickets are now on sale for March 1-3, 2024. Let’s rewrite the narrative and shape the legal profession’s future together. Buy your ticket here