Alameda County
Bar Association

ACBA Members in the News 11.28.23 
members in the news - Adrieannette Ciccone

ACBA members in the news featuring Givelle Lamano, Danya Alhafidh, and Kodie McGinley

ACBA member Givelle Lamano, Lamano Law, was quoted in three articles: 12 Tips For Managing Temporary Teams During The Holiday Rush; Seven Ways To Achieve Uninterrupted Focus When You Most Need It; and 10 Key Tips For Public-Speaking Novices Hoping To Deliver A Stellar Performance.

ACBA Leadership Firm Candelaria PC Law Clerk Danya Alhafidh passed the California State Bar Exam. Congratulations! Read more

Legal Access Alameda Family Law Day of Court Attorney Supervisor Kodie McGinley also passed the California State Bar Exam. Congratulations!

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