Alameda County
Bar Association

ACBA Members in the News 10.19.22 
members in the news - Adrieannette Ciccone

ACBA members in the news: Members featured in the ACBA e-Newsletter featuring Jim Larsen, Deborah Moss West, and Daniel Schacht

Jim LarsenACBA Leadership firm Gillin, Jacobson, Ellis, Larsen & Lucey attorney Jim Larsen recently achieved a settlement payment to a client’s family of $420,000.00. Click here to read more about the case:…

Deborah Moss WestACBA member Deborah Moss West has been nominated by the ACBA for a MBC Unity Award. The MBC awards are scheduled for Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco. 

Daniel SchachtACBA Leadership Firm Donahue Fitzgerald partner Daniel Schacht was quoted in an article about politicians using songs in their ads. Politicians don’t always need musician approval to use songs in ads, but they need to buy the license

Do you have a hot case? Named a Super Lawyer? Big settlement, award, new attorney, or new job? Email to be included in an upcoming edition of the Bi-Weekly e-Newsletter.