Alameda County Superior Court is Recruiting Judge Pro Tems
ACBA members, the Superior Court of Alameda County is recruiting for Judge Pro Tems. This is a great opportunity to get experience for your judicial application! See the announcement below from Presiding Judge Smiley.
Bar Associations, Colleagues, Counselors, and Friends:
Please consider, or invite others to consider, applying to work as a Volunteer Court-Appointed Temporary Judge (Judge Pro Tem) for the Superior Court of Alameda County.
The Superior Court of Alameda County is now accepting applications from interested attorneys who wish to serve as a Judge Pro Tem pursuant to Rule 2.810, et seq. of the California Rules of Court. We are recruiting pro tem judges for the following case types: Civil (Small Claims; Unlawful Detainers; Civil Harassment and Workplace/Postsecondary School Violence), Probate, Family, Juvenile, and Traffic. Our recruitment flyer is attached.
The purpose of temporary judges is to assist the public by providing the court with a panel of trained, qualified, and experienced attorneys who may serve as temporary judges if the court needs judicial assistance. It is a great way to serve the public while gaining valuable experience as a bench officer.
Applications and additional information may be located here.
Deadline: The deadline to submit completed applications, along with proof of completion of all required training, is the close of business on September 30, 2022. If you are unable to complete the Bench Conduct and Demeanor for Temporary Judges class before the application deadline, indicate when you plan to take the course. Absent a granted extension, applications missing the required training certifications or applications that are received after 5:00 p.m. on September 30, 2022, may not be considered.
Applicants must meet and maintain the requirements set forth in Rule 2.812 of the California Rules of Court. The role also requires compliance with applicable portions of the California Code of Judicial Ethics while serving in a judicial capacity. (See Rule 2.4.1 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct.)
Feel free to share this news and the attached flyer with bar associations and individuals who may be interested in volunteering as a temporary judge.
Questions? Contact
Charles A. Smiley
Presiding Judge
Superior Court of California
County of Alameda