Alameda County
Bar Association

ACBA Members in the News 5.27.22 
members in the news spotlight

ACBA Members in the News

ACBA members in the news: Members featured in the ACBA e-Newsletter featuring Givelle Llamano and Judge Trina Thompson.

ACBA member Givelle Lamano, Lamano Law, was quoted in two articles. Marketing Locally? 11 Ways to Make Your Interactions More Personal and Eight High-Level Metrics Every Business Owner Should Be Tracking

Congratulations to ACBA member Judge Trina Thompson on her appointment to the U.S. District Court for California’s Northern District, where she will be the only active Black woman judge.

Do you have a hot case? Named a Super Lawyer? Big settlement, award, new attorney, or new job? Email to be included in an upcoming edition of the Bi-Weekly e-Newsletter. Learn more and join the ACBA today!