News from the Court
Our weekly roundup of updates from local courts. This post will be updated as new information comes across our desks.
Monday, November 1, 2021: The Superior Court of Alameda County (Court) announces new Judicial Mentor Program. Details here.
Civil Discovery Commissioner – The Contra Costa Superior Court is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Civil Discovery Commissioner. This commissioner will hear all civil discovery matters except those in limited jurisdiction, family, probate, and complex civil cases. Commissioner Gina Dashman, who has been assigned to Department 57 since 2020 and following many years as a civil practitioner, will serve in this role. Discovery disputes filed November 8, 2021, or thereafter will be heard by Commissioner Dashman in Department 57. Civil discovery hearings will be Wednesday and Friday mornings in the Martinez courthouse. The tentative ruling procedures of Local Rule 3.43 will apply to civil discovery matters in Department 57. Additionally, parties to a discovery dispute must still participate in the Discovery Facilitator program if required by Local Rule 3.300.
The United States District Court for the Northern District of California has updated its Civil Local Rules effective November 1, 2021. The court appreciates the public comments and input that were provided for this revision. Comments or suggestions on any of the court’s Local Rules may be submitted at any time to
For the latest court news, please visit the courts’ websites, or follow along on the ACBA blog
Please contact with any updates that are missing.