Our weekly roundup of updates from local courts. This post will be updated as new information comes across our desks.
Contra Costa Superior Court
The Contra Costa Superior Court is actively recruiting new participants in its Temporary Judge program and is pleased to announce its subject-matter training classes for January, 2022. Please review the attached flyer for information on applying to the program and registering for classes. Additional information may be found on our Temporary Judge page.
For those temporary judges and program administrators outside of Contra Costa County, please note that our Judicial Demeanor class will be offered on January 10, 2022, from 1:15 – 4:30 P.M. The remaining subject matter classes are primarily designed for those who serve in Contra Costa County, though others are certainly welcome to attend.
Napa Superior Court
Dedication of New Yreka Courthouse: October 15: The building is one of 31 new courthouse projects completed since the judicial branch took over responsibility for courthouses in 2002.