Updates from Local Superior Courts Week May 25th – May 30th
We’ve compiled updates from our local Superior Courts in one post. We’ll update this post as more information comes in this week.
5.26.20: Contra Costa Superior Court
The Contra Costa Superior Court has issued new emergency local rules for Juvenile (Second Amended), effective today. These amendments change certain processes given the Court’s reopening, including the removal of particular filing limitations that applied during the closure period and the inclusion of certain procedures for remote hearings. All emergency local rules are available here: https://www.cc-courts.org/local-rules/local-rules.aspx.
5.28.20: Superior Court of Alameda County
Superior Court of Alameda County resumes in-person traffic trials, increases remote traffic trial opportunities, and extends unlawful detainer stay. Details here.
5.28.20: Law.com – How COVID-19 Is Impacting California Courts: Roundup of Services
5.29.20: Contra Costa Superior Court
The Contra Costa Superior Court has issued amended emergency local rules, effective today, governing Video Technology in Criminal Cases. The amendment reflects changes in the procedures for video technology now that the Court has reopened. All emergency local rules are available here: https://www.cc-courts.org/local-rules/local-rules.aspx.