Alameda County
Bar Association

Updates from Local Superior Courts Week May 18th – May 22nd 
A CDC graphic of the COVID-19 virus via MGN

Updates from Local Superior Courts Week May 18th – May 22nd

We’ve compiled updates from our local Superior Courts in one post. We’ll update this post as more information comes in this week.

5.18.20: Contra Costa Superior Court

The Contra Costa Superior Court has issued new emergency local rules for Probate (Second Amended).  This amendment includes a new Exhibit A with specific guidelines for Probate matters as the Court reopens.  The Court will open to the public on May 26, 2020.

All emergency local rules are available here:

5.20.20 Alameda County Superior Court

The BlueJeans meeting IDs are simply the phone numbers for the departments (to keep it easy).  So, e.g., the D-13 BlueJeans meeting ID is 5108916054, which is also that department’s phone number. 

5.20.20: Contra Costa Superior Court

The Contra Costa Superior Court emergency local rules for Probate (Second Amended), circulated effective May 18 with revisions related to the Court’s reopening, have been revised at Exhibit A to update the procedure for receipt and processing of particular Probate orders.  All emergency local rules are available here:

5.20.20: Superior Court of Alameda County

The Superior Court of Alameda County announces remote “reopening.”  Details here.

5.21.20: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has posted General Order 72-3, IN RE: Coronavirus Disease Public Health Emergency, adopted May 21, 2020, which includes information on the resumption of limited in-court proceedings. 

Courthouse access remains temporarily restricted in all four locations until June 1, 2020, with access allowed only for those with official court business. Updates on courthouse access and temporary safety protocols will be posted on the court’s public website soon.

5.21.20: Contra Costa Superior Court

The Contra Costa Superior Court has issued new emergency local rules for Civil  (Third Amended).  The amendments: 1) withdraw the emergency  requirement that ex parte applications may only be made where they present “special issues that require immediate Court attention”; and 2) confirm that the Civil department will be conducting all hearings via CourtCall unless otherwise stated in the rules or otherwise ordered by the judge in the case.

All emergency local rules are available here:

5.22.20: Contra Costa Superior Court

The Contra Costa Superior Court has issued new emergency local rules for Family Law (Third Amended), effective May 26, 2020.  Among other amendments, these rules: 1)  set DVRO hearings in-person and provide a process for requesting in-person hearings in other matters, which otherwise will proceed using Zoom; 2) confirm that trials will begin on October 1, 2020, unless a judge orders otherwise; and 3) make changes to professionally supervised visitation procedures and the scheduling of double self-represented matters.

All emergency local rules are available here: