3.17.20 – On March 16, 2020, the Superior Court of Alameda County (Court) issued a press release announcing that it would be closed to the public for most Court operations from March 17, 2020, up to and through April 7, 2020.
All courthouses in Alameda County remain closed to the public for general business.
- The days March 17, 2020, through April 3, 2020, will be considered court holidays per Code of Civil Procedure sections 12 and 12a. Documents will not be received for filing during this time period; the Court’s Fax Filing service will be temporarily suspended.
- Notwithstanding the above filing moratorium, the Court recognizes the urgency of certain filing types. Therefore, the Court will continue to accept requests for Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs) and applications for emergency relief in Family Law and Probate matters, via drop box only, at the following locations:
- Rene C. Davidson Courthouse in Oakland: TROs and emergency
Probate applications; - Hayward Hall of Justice: TROs and emergency Family Law applications.
- Rene C. Davidson Courthouse in Oakland: TROs and emergency
- The Court is working with its justice partners on a plan to conduct in-custody adult arraignments and juvenile detention hearings on a reduced schedule, as resources and health and safety constraints permit. These hearings will not be open to the public.
- Further, as noted in its prior Press Release of March 16, 2020, the Court has ordered the stay of
all evictions pending between Tuesday, March 17, 2020, up to and through Wednesday, April 8,
2020, in light of the fact that the Clerk’s Office will not be open to process unlawful detainer stay
The press release may be found here.
UPDATED: For more information about what other jurisdictions are doing, check out this wiki: http://wiki.waylandchang.com/index.php/COVID-19
We’re trying to keep this post up to date, but please check out the Alameda County Superior Court’s dedicated webpage for the latest official information. http://www.alameda.courts.ca.gov/Pages.aspx/COVID-19