We will be livestreaming MCLEs online and holding them in person
We are excited to announce that the Online MCLE platform we’ve been working on for months is now up and running!
Social Distancing
As we hope you have heard by now, for the next two weeks we have canceled in-person MCLE, out of an abundance of caution, and instead are offering these programs online due to concerns regarding COVID-19. The dates and times of the programs will occur as planned/scheduled, i.e. you must log into the livestream at the designated time and date in order to participate.
In the future, we will continue to offer in-person MCLEs on-site at no charge to ACBA members however, there will be a $20 convenience fee per MCLE for ACBA members to view programs live online. Nonmembers will continue to pay for on-site MCLEs, and will pay an additional convenience fee for live online programs. For the next two weeks we will be waiving the online convenience fee, but once we begin holding events in person again, there will be a charge (subject to waiver in exceptional cases).
As our live MCLE programs are recorded onto the new platform they will be offered as on-demand videos that ACBA members can watch for free at any time (for self-study MCLE credit.)
Check out our calendar
All ACBA members will receive two emails from: ACBANET Zoom for the livestream MCLE
- The first email is a registration link for the new MCLE platform ProLearn via Zoom. You must set-up your account, and download any necessary software ahead of time (well before the date/time of the livestream to ensure you have time to troubleshoot any issues beforehand.)
- You will only need to set-up your account once. Once your account is created you will be able to access all future online MCLEs without having to do any account set-up.
- Please ensure that emails from the new ACBA platform are unblocked and/or marked as “safe” in your email account. Please check your spam/junk folder for the email from: notifications=acbanet.prolearn.io@prolearn.io> On Behalf Of notifications@acbanet.prolearn.io If the email has gone to your spam/junk folder please right click on the email and select “unblock sender” or “never block sender” if you need the account set-up email sent to you again please contact membershipassistant@acbanet.org.
- The second email will contain a link to the live stream MCLE if you have registered for it. At the designated date/time you must click on the link to join the MCLE meeting online. .
- When you join the meeting, if prompted, please enter your full name (both first and last name.)
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our Membership and Education Department:
membershipassistant@acbanet.org OR (510) 302-2201