UPDATED 3.17.20: Coronavirus Containment – ACBA closes office and cancels In-Person Meetings
Following the directives in the Shelter in Place order, the Alameda County Bar Association (ACBA) will extend the closure our offices and cancellation of all in-person meetings and MCLE programs at least until April 7th to help stem the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and other cold/flu strains.
Our staff will be telecommuting, but this transition should be relatively seamless and we do not anticipate a lag in services. ACBA Section Executive Committee Meetings will be held via teleconference, and MCLE events will either be rescheduled or held online. If you are registered for an MCLE during this period, you will be receiving more information shortly. CAAP, LRS, and Membership Services programs will continue to operate as they normally do. Our Legal Access clinics are being rescheduled in the short term, as we work to launch a platform in April that will enable us to provide remote pro bono legal assistance.
Thank you for bearing with us as we navigate this process. Our priority is the health of our members and staff. We continue to monitor the CDC and Alameda County Dept of Public Health website here, and to comply with their recommendations, and we encourage you to do the same. The Alameda County Superior Court now has COVID-19 information available on its website. We will do our best to keep our website updated with more information.
We hope to host shortly an online webinar on how to use digital tools to communicate with clients and colleagues – keep an eye out for that.
Please check our event calendar, and this link for further updates.
Be well, and we will see you all on the other side.
Tiela Chalmers, Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel
Alameda County Bar Association and Legal Access Alameda
510.302.2208 | 510.452.2224 fax | tiela@acbanet.org | www.acbanet.org
Pronouns: she/her/hers