Alameda County
Bar Association

Serve on an ACBA Executive Committee 

Open Nominations for Executive Committee Seats

Why serve on a Section Executive Committee?

  • Influence the way law is practiced in our community by liaising with the court, bench, and other legal community leaders.
  • Solidify your reputation as a valuable leader by providing oversight and support to Section members. The Section acts as a forum to share knowledge, education, and expertise.
  • Broaden connections and round out your resume. Leadership roles attract accomplished, interesting people. Such expertise often sharpens your business acumen.
  • Build valuable relationships and boardroom credibility, which serves as a great stepping stone to reach professional goals.

If you are interested, you may nominate yourself or someone else.  Nominations should be accompanied by a statement explaining why the nominee would make a good committee member (not to exceed 200 words).

What’s involved?

  • Act as an ambassador of the ACBA, Section, and to the legal community at large.
  • Attend regularly scheduled monthly Section Executive Committee meetings with your colleagues.
  • Organize, attend, and promote Section MCLE programs, networking events, and section-specific information updates.
  • Become knowledgeable about the Section, ACBA Bylaws, programs, and activities.

The Executive Committee is comprised of nine Section members who are elected for two-year terms, half of which begin in alternate years. There are generally 4-5 openings each year.

To be eligible as an Executive Committee member, nominees must be a member in good standing of the Alameda County Bar Association and a member of the Section. If there are more nominations than available positions, an election will be held in October.

To become an ACBA member or join a section, please submit applications online or contact the Membership Assistant at (510) 302-2201. For more information about the Sections of the Alameda County Bar Association, please visit our website at