In Memory: ACBA Member David Roth

The Alameda County Legal Community lost David Roth this week. He was a long-time member of the ACBA and a frequent speaker to attorney groups like ours on real estate legal issues, and a past Chair of the ACBA Real Estate Section’s Executive Committee. David specialized in easements and boundary disputes and authored several chapters on easements in books published by Continuing Education of the Bar. He was formerly an Executive Editor of the California Real Property Journal, and was a past Vice President of the California State Bar. David was also a frequent volunteer at Lawyers in the Library, a free drop-in legal clinic hosted by the Alameda County Law Library. A graduate of UC Hastings College of Law, David was the Editor in Chief of the Hastings Communications and Entertainment Journal.
What can you say when you lose a good friend, advisor, and someone who brightened one’s life with his presence? I’ve known him for over 20 years. I remember his love for baseball. (Gosh, it’s his time of year now. David, you can’t leave yet . . . what about Opening Day?!) I remember how I would always turn to him and rely upon his expertise whenever I needed help about real estate. He was truly wise in the ways of real estate law and the practical aspects of the business. He found solutions. Even his adversaries noted how practical he was. When you first met David, his appearance could be said to be goofy or professorial. Quickly you would see that he was so effervescent and supportive. He was always ready to lend a helping hand and help me with my practice as well as others’. Always wanting to get together for lunch or dinner and let our hair down and have some fun. He did have his goofy side, as those of us who performed in Earl Warren Inn of Court continuing education each witnessed. (Cherish any of those Inn of Court photos you might have.) A source of light for ACBA and Oakland just went out.
Mark Morodomi
We’ll be adding more information on services as it becomes available. Please share memories in the comments.