The Return of the ACBA Delegation to the Conference of California Bar Associations
Are you interested in getting involved with the making or changing of the laws in California and networking with like-minded individuals? The ACBA is pleased to announce the return of the ACBA delegation to the Conference of California Bar Associations (CCBA).
ACBA members interested in becoming an ACBA delegate, please log into the ACBA member portal and select add a division, and select Conference of California Bar Associations, and then confirm your “purchase.” There is no fee for becoming a delegate.
What is the CCBA? The Conference of California Bar Associations promotes legislative ideas on behalf of the legal community by and through individual delegates and bar associations across California. CCBA will hold its annual Conference in Monterey in October 2019. At the Conference participants can engage in debates over resolutions authored by their peers that touch on every aspect of law. The Conference provides an ideal opportunity to hone research, writing and debate skills, to learn about important, cutting-edge issues, and to meet some of the finest attorneys in California.
For more information, please visit the CCBA website at
What the delegation does: The ACBA delegation is made up of current ACBA members. The ACBA delegation will meet to review and define the delegation’s position on the resolutions that have been submitted to the CCBA for debate at the Conference. Interested members may submit their own proposed resolution to CCBA to be included in the 2019 Conference, and/or attend the Conference in October as part of the ACBA delegation, where each delegate will have the opportunity to debate their position on any resolution, either as an individual or on behalf of the delegation. Each delegate may vote as an individual or on behalf of the delegation. However, members of the delegation do not represent the opinions or positions of the ACBA.
What is the time commitment: Initially, the delegation will meet approximately 3 – 5 times between March and April to review and discuss the resolutions. Meetings will be held either at a delegate’s office or the ACBA office. The Conference runs Thursday through Sunday, with the actual resolution debates taking place Friday afternoon through Sunday morning.
When is the conference: October 10 through 13 at the Marriott Hotel in Monterrey, California. The cost to attend the Conference is approximately $400 and this cost, as well as travel and accommodations at the Conference will not be covered by the ACBA.