Alameda County
Bar Association

ACBA Book Club Review: In My Own Words 
ACBA Book Club

My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsberg

This fascinating book is a collection of Justice Ginsberg’s speeches, briefs, and legal opinions across her career.  The book also includes a few things written about Justice Ginsberg, including most notably her husband Marty’s introduction of her, which is just terrific.  Given what could be somewhat dry writing, the book is surprisingly engaging.  You might not want to read an entire legal opinion or brief, but the excerpts of a few pages gives you sense of the Justice’s very methodical and surprisingly accessible analysis. 

In our book group, some of us read and some of us listen to audio books, and usually there doesn’t seem to be a big difference.  For this book, however, the organization of the audio book was different, the excerpts were sometimes different (and included some audio of the Ginsberg/Scalia opera), and you actually hear some of the speeches, including Marty’s sweet and funny introduction.  Recommended.

Every month, a group of ACBA members gathers to discuss this month’s reading selection.  We alternate between fiction and non-fiction, and try to choose books that have at least something to do with the law.  We really do talk about the books – also, of course, we drink wine, eat cookies, and get to know each other.  Do you like to read?  Come join us! 

The next meeting is Thursday, Sept. 6 at 5:15-6:15, and the book is QB VII by Leon Uris. RSVP by email to