ACBA Book Club
Every month, a group of ACBA members gathers to discuss this month’s reading selection. We alternate between fiction and non-fiction, and try to choose books that have at least something to do with the law. We really do talk about the books – also, of course, we drink wine, eat cookies, and get to know each other. Do you like to read? Come join us! The next meeting is Thursday, September 6th, from 5:15-6:30 at the ACBA offices. Our next book is QBVII, by Leon Uris – a courtroom drama novel. Contact Tiela Chalmers ( for more information and to RSVP.
Latest Review:
The Children’s Act, by Ian McEwan: This fascinating British novel follows a judge in London who hears high stakes cases in the Family Division – high asset divorces, but also conflicts over religious upbringing. She is faced with the case of a 17 year old son of parents who do not believe in medical intervention for their son’s life-threatening illness. Does the court order treatment, or permit the child to die? She finds herself inexorably, personally, drawn into the case. We loved the book, and found the ethical conundrums challenging, and the portrait of English proceedings interesting. We also really appreciated the glimpses into the ways in which the judge’s personal life is reflected in, and reflects, the matters that come before her. Where is the appropriate line between the two? Highly recommended.