Reaction from the East Bay Legal Community regarding the new administration’s comments on the Judiciary
An independent Judiciary is crucial for checks and balances
February 10, 2017 – OAKLAND, CA: The Alameda County Bar Association is concerned by President Trump’s recent statements questioning the independence and loyalty of the Federal Courts. The Founding Fathers created three independent and equal branches of government – the executive, the legislative and the judicial – specifically in order to achieve the checks and balances that are at the heart of our democratic system. The fact that a judge does or does not agree with the actions of another branch of government does not make the judiciary political – it simply reflects checks and balances at work. We join with others in finding the President’s statements disheartening, and urge the Administration to respect the basic structures that make the United States government so strong and enduring.
Read the Statement on an independent judiciary
The ACBA is a membership association of attorneys who live, work and/or practice in Alameda County. Our mission is to promote excellence in the profession and to facilitate equal access to justice.
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