ACBA Member Spotlight: Jayme L. Walker

Jayme Walker represents plaintiffs in employment, civil rights, and personal injury as a part of the employment team at Gwilliam, Ivary, Chiosso, Cavalli & Brewer. A graduate of University of San Francisco, School of Law, she also volunteers with the ACBA’s Volunteer Legal Services Program.

August 2015 (So Far) in Photos

We’ve had a busy two weeks at the ACBA. It may seem like most people are off on vacation, but we’re here earning 13 hours of CLE, matching mentees with mentors, playing 18 holes, and dining around town to support pro bono legal service

Keeping Up with SEO and Social Media: July Roundup

There was a lot going on in the month of July. With an assortment of tips on improving your mobile website, suggestions for beefing up blog content, and plenty of articles on what to do (and what not to do) as you continue to solidify your firm’s rankings, it would have been easy to miss some of the top articles from the past few weeks. Fortunately, as always, the meatiest posts have been curated for your after-the-fact perusal.