The Alameda County Bar Association is proud to honor Jamie Rudman, Sanchez & Amador, LLP as our Attorney of the Year at our January 14, 2016 Board Installation and Distinguished Service Awards Dinner. Jamie is described by colleagues as an exceptionally talented, knowledgeable, ethical and skillful employment lawyer. But more importantly, she is laser focused on finding the most effective way to solve problems for her clients and colleagues. This makes her extremely popular with clients, judges and even opposing counsel.

When did you know you wanted to be a lawyer?
I first became interested in the law during an elementary school field trip to the local courthouse. The judge who hosted our class was one of my parents’ friends and seeing someone that I knew doing that work made it seem possible to me.
If you hadn’t become a lawyer, what would you be doing instead?
I’d love to be a philanthropist, but I lack the means! So, I’d probably be a journalist.
What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were first admitted to practice?
It gets easier! And, if you work with the right people, the practice of law is a lot of fun.
What is the biggest challenge facing you as a lawyer today?
I advise corporations on labor and employment issue and defend them against employment litigation. The California legislature and courts give me big, new challenges every year. Keeps it interesting!
What is your favorite part of being a lawyer?
Collaborating with my colleagues.
What is your dream vacation?
Any time that I can get away from my email and spend time with my husband and our dog feels like a dream vacation.
What are you reading now?
I just finished Kindred by Octavia Butler and am about to start The Golden Spruce by John Vaillant. Also, I love audiobooks and, although I read every book almost as soon as they were released, I am currently listening to the entire Harry Potter series from the beginning for a bit of escapist fun.
What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?
I consider myself quite shy and had to work really hard to be comfortable at public speaking, networking and all of the other front-facing aspects of my work.
What person, living or dead, real or fictional, would you like to have dinner with?
My late grandmothers. They were brilliant, beautiful, stylish feminists who made me believe that I could do anything I wanted. I think of something that I want to ask each of them virtually every day.
Why did you decide to be an ACBA member?
What is the greatest benefit of membership? I became an ACBA member to get to know the other lawyers in our community and doing so has been the best benefit of membership. Last year, my firm hired an attorney, Nicole Torrado, who I met at the ACBA holiday party. I also ran into a former colleague, Michele Desoer, at an ACBA Labor & Employment Social and she is now one of my closest personal friends and professional contacts. I am truly grateful to ACBA for bringing me together with these and other terrific lawyers!
Please join us in honoring Jamie Rudman and the other Distinguished Service Award Recipients at the Rotunda Building Oakland on January 14th, 2016. Click here for more information and tickets.