Trial Evidence Skills Series: Part VI

Exhibits This article is the sixth in a multi-part series on trial evidence. Exhibits are crucial in most trials: they seem to have more inherent credibility than oral testimony, they go into the jury room or judge’s chambers when the verdict is being decided, most people learn and retain five times better from their eyes […]

The Rise of Legal Cannabis

Introduction to Cannabis Cannabis, more commonly known as marijuana or hemp, is a genus of flowering plants indigenous to South and Central Asia. It has been grown for food, medicine, and industrial uses for several thousand years. For much of human agricultural history, it was one of the most widely grown crops in the world. […]

Ask the Presiding Judge: Winifred Smith

Judge Winifred Smith is the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, for a two year term that started in January of 2014. She was appointed by Governor Gray Davis in November 2000, and prior to her appointment, served as deputy assistant attorney general for the Department of Justice in San […]


Hearsay Exceptions This article is the fifth in a multi-part series on trial evidence. Hearsay exceptions are based on a combination of reliability and need. The justification for most exceptions is that cross-examination is unnecessary to test one or more of the out-of-court declarant’s four testimonial capacities–perception, memory, communication, sincerity. For example, statements of presently […]