Keeping up with your daily tasks can be tiring enough. That’s why staying on top of the latest social media trends, Google algorithm updates, and content marketing strategies often ends up being one of those things that gets pushed to the backburner. Fortunately, we’ve done some of the heavy lifting for you and assembled a recap of this month’s top blog posts revolving around SEO and social media.
Even if you’re already doing everything right (which—let’s be honest—requires more time than most of us have) there’s a lot to be gained from taking an hour each month to make sure you know what’s going on with the latest marketing trends across the web. There’s almost always some low hanging fruit you can focus on that might improve your rankings or help you craft the next blog post that attracts potential clients to your website.
Although the articles below aren’t specific to the legal industry, each of them could easily be applied to a marketing strategy for firms of almost any size. So, without further ado, here’s what you might have missed during the month of June:
- The Moz Blog offered up a good overview of the latest updates to Google’s algorithm and what it might mean for your business with “Your Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet.”
- Also on the SEO front, Search Engine Land delivered a quick hitting list of 10 Tips for Local Search Success. Despite being a short list, this article should give lots of small and midsize firms plenty of action items to work on in the coming months if they want to boost their local rankings.
- The death of Google+ has been greatly exaggerated. You can read 9 reasons why in the Venture Beat blog post explaining how Google+ is crucial to your SEO strategy.
- Crafting quality content can be a challenge, but a couple of recent articles from Search Engine Watch should make it slightly easier. A blog post featuring 7 Outstanding Content Marketing Tips for Small Businesses attempts to demystify what it takes to build a successful blog.
- And, in a similar vein, an article offering 6 Reasons for Your Lack of Content Marketing Success points out the most common pitfalls businesses face when trying to craft and market quality content online.
While the list of articles is by no means comprehensive, it should give you a good jumpstart heading into the month of July when it comes to planning out a SEO and social media strategy that makes sense for your firm.
About the Author: Jason Arango is the Director of Marketing for GJEL Accident Attorneys. He’s been involved in online marketing since 2007, and has worked with companies such as Village Voice Media and Clear Channel Communications.
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