Barristers and Judges Social
June 5, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Please join the ACBA Barristers and Trial Practice Sections for an evening at Lungomare Restaurant in Jack London Square with 21 confirmed judges from the civil, criminal, family, juvenile and federal benches for a networking and mentorship cultivating experience.
VLSC Family Law Day of Court Training
June 6, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
This training will cover common legal issues faced by clients representing themselves in family law court, including preparing Findings and Orders After Hearing, Reissuance, Issues of Service and Custody and Visitation. The training will prepare attorneys to volunteer at this clinic. The training is offered for free to attorneys that commit to volunteer in six clinics over the next year.
Tracing: Why, How, and the Burden of Proof
June 11, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Please join the Family Law Section for a seminar on the ins and outs of family law tracing. This program will demystify tracing by explaining tips and tricks from an expert in the field, helping attendees find flaws in a tracing, and providing an understanding of the burden of proof for family law tracing issues.
New Bankruptcy Rules For Discharging Taxes And Cancellation of Debt Income
June 17, 2014 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Please join the Bankruptcy Section for this program which will cover:
- Dischargeability of tax liabilities in bankruptcy
- Impact of unfiled or “substitute tax returns”
- Impact of tax liens on bankruptcy estate assets and non-bankruptcy estate assets
- Tax treatment of cancellation of indebtedness income and/or property surrendered/foreclosed post-petition
- Taxation of the bankruptcy estate in Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 cases
Nuts & Bolts of Commercial Real Estate Leases
June 18, 2014 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Please join the Real Estate Section for a “Nuts & Bolts” presentation on commercial leasing with two experienced commercial real estate presenters who represent commercial landlords and tenants on a daily basis. Learn details regarding:
- The differences in types of leases
- Which lease clauses are beneficial to a landlord or tenant
- What is realistic when negotiating a lease in today’s market
- Planning time frames
Assisting Self-Represented Litigants in Chapter 7 Bankruptcies
June 19, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Assisting self-represented litigants in bankruptcy is very different from representing a client or business in a bankruptcy filing. This training will provide you with the necessary information and tools to assist self-represented litigants in Chapter 7 bankruptcies.
**To attend this training, you must be an existing VLSC volunteer in bankruptcy, or have existing bankruptcy experience. If you do not meet these requirements, please contact Director of Access Programs Elizabeth Hom at There is no cost to attend this training but participants must commit to volunteer at least four (4) times in the next year at a VLSC Bankruptcy Clinic.

Please join the Trial Practice Section for an opportunity to hear the views of three experienced mediators and litigators (Judges Lambden and Sabraw with Charles Hansen) on how to prepare for, participate in, and successfully conclude a mediation in a smaller case. Whether you are a first time litigant, or a seasoned and sophisticated practitioner, you will get valuable insight into issues that regularly come up in mediation.
Leverage and the Psychology of Influence
June 25, 2014 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
This program, sponsored by the ACBA ADR and Business Sections, will cover different forms and types of leverage and the power of persuasion.
Learn how to:
- Identify and shift between interests, rights and power conversations
- Effectively influence strategies and apply them appropriately to the moment and person you wish to persuade
- Understand the powerful psychological forces behind most influencing strategies and learn how to apply these strategies effectively