- Interesting article on watching unconscious bias, micro-inequities, and social isolation to promote diversity and inclusion in your firm: Best Practices for Integrating Diverse and Women Laterals
- Q&A with Ninth Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown: Ninth Circuit’s M. Margaret McKeown
- Glenn Rawdon’s White House tech speech: 100% access to “some form of effective assistance” to people unable to afford an attorney: Glenn Rawdon’s Visionary White House Speech is About 100% Access, And More, Not Just About Technology
- Alternative fee arrangements: Is this the death of hourly rates at law firms?
- In language “quietly added” to its website, General Mills said anyone who prints a digital coupon for its products, participates in its contests, or simply joins its online community has given up the right to sue: Buying a General Mills product eliminates the right to sue, according to online legal terms