Alameda County
Bar Association

Top 10 Things We Love About Organized Pro Bono 

We Heart Pro Bono

We may be biased as the 2014 VLSC Board of Directors, but we LOVE pro bono. This Valentine’s Day we want to share with you our top ten reasons we love pro bono—what are your top ten?

10) Organized pro bono offers a wide spectrum of activities available to participate in; from volunteering at clinics, to representing clients at trial, to mentoring less experienced attorneys.

9) Organized legal services means the time we spend with clients is about resolving their legal issue, not scheduling and logistics.

8) Working with an organized pro bono program, like VLSC, means clients are pre-screened for both the area of law and income, so we know they really need our help.

7) We love that pro bono work not only helps clients, but also improves court efficiency and calendar flow.

6) Pro bono attorneys are the best and the brightest of our legal community.

5) Pro bono gives us an opportunity to learn another area of law.

4) We love that our time and effort directly contributes to clients’ access to justice.

3) We love meeting and networking with like-minded attorneys and legal professionals.

2) Knowing you’re helping a client and making a real difference in their lives is one of the most satisfying feelings.

1) The number one reason we love pro bono is that it gives us the opportunity to use our legal experience to give back to the community.

Have you had the chance to fall in love with pro bono? Discover volunteer opportunities on the VLSC website, or donate today!

– 2014 VLSC Board of Directors

President: Michael P. Johnson, AT&T; Vice President: Sally J. Elkington, Elkington Law; Secretary/Treasurer: Eric Handler, Donahue Gallagher Woods LLP; Gregory D. Brown, Burnham Brown; David A. Carrillo, Berkeley Law; Janice Cho, Law Offices of Janice Cho; Judge Kimberly E. Colwell, Ex Officio; Brian E. Doucette, Bialson Bergen & Schwab; Judge Tara Flanagan, Ex Officio; Carolyn Henel, Roisman Henel LLP; Scott Jackson, Fitzgerald Abbott & Beardsley LLP; Élan Consuella Lambert, Lambert Legal Consulting; Michael Loeb, JAMS; L.D. Louis, Alameda County District Attorney’s Office; Amanda Picetti, Ex Officio, Alameda County Bar Association; Presiding Judge Winifred Y. Smith, Ex Officio; Judge Alison Tucher, Ex Officio; Marshall C. Wallace, Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP.