CA State Bar Exam July 2015 Results

You can find your own results and more historical data on the State Bar’s Website:

Do I Really Need Malpractice Insurance?

Are you wondering if you really need legal malpractice insurance? We have seen thousands of claims made against attorneys—the majority of which are claims where no mistake was made. The costs of defending even a frivolous claim might not only have a severe financial impact, but could also effect the professional reputation of you or your firm.

6 Tips for Your Judicial Application

Are you thinking about throwing your hat in to become a judge? It’s a long daunting application, but we’ve culled a few tips from Judges and former Judicial Nomination Evaluation Committee (JNE) members at the recent Judicial Application Workshop held at the ACBA to help.

Managing Client Expectations

Imagine this: A person comes to your office claiming a personal injury. You decide to take the case but before filing suit you draft a demand letter to the defendant. Knowing that this demand is a starting point for negotiations, you demand an amount of money that may be more than the minimum your client would accept. Strategically, you may even demand an amount of money that is highly unlikely the client would be offered or awarded. Things happen and you fail to timely file the lawsuit or make some other mistake that causes your client to lose their cause of action. What do you think is going to be Exhibit A in the client, now plaintiff’s, lawsuit against you?