ACBA Member Spotlight: Sharon Ceasar

Sharon Ceasar, a graduate of UC Hastings College of the Law, is a criminal defense attorney based in Berkeley. In addition to being a member of the ACBA, Sharon is a Court Appointed Attorneys Program (CAAP) panel attorney, approved for Class IV and V misdemeanor cases. CAAP panel attorneys represent indigent criminal defendants whenever the public defender is restrained by a conflict of interest.


With the dust somewhat settled on the mobile update we’ve been discussing for the past couple months, May was a good time to get back to marketing basics. Here are some of the top articles on search engine optimization(SEO), social media, and internet marketing that you may have missed over the last few weeks:

The Stuff They Don’t Teach You in Law School – Chapter 17 – Billing

I got religion on this issue. Bills matter. Over and over, in my practice, the highest level of client scrutiny has gone to bills rather substantive legal work – as absurd as that might seem to an attorney who lavishes effort and concentration on lawyerly services and sends bills in a stack each month after a quick proofread. In bills, describe your work carefully yet succinctly, be consistent, and follow through on promises you made to the client when you were initially hired.